When it comes to White-Label GPS Tracking Solution, no one knows it better than Close-Guard Technology.

We offer white-label tracking solution that allows you to build your own tracking services or platform using our APIs at no extra cost.
With our white-label tracking solution, you will be able to access, monitor and control any device listed under your account from your own application without the need for a specialized expensive tracking infrastructure. You simply make a secured request to our RESTFul API to get any information you need.
Our White-Label tracking solution can be used by Fleet management companies, insurance comnpanies, government agencies, large organizations and any business with large number or fleet, seeking personalized tracking solution.
Our White-Label Tracking features include;
Our GPS Tracker Demo
Take a look at how our GPS tracking device works with a real-life demonstration. You can also use the login details on any of our mobile app
Link: https://platform.closeguardtechnology.com
Username: tester@closeguardtechnology.com
Password: 12345678